Our life is like a book. It has a
plot, setting, themes chapters and characters. It has a beginning and an end.
The chapters can be compared to the steps we take in our lives. The people we
meet are the characters: some are main characters,others just extras that can
have an important presence, but just for a few 'pages'. The themes may depend
on our state of mind, our actions, our decisions, and even the decisions that
others (the extras perhaps) make but somehow mess with our lives too. Every
page is a day that always have
consequences on our future life, and whenever we read a page, we can no longer
pretend it doesn't exist, like the choices we make and the days that pass. The
same happens with the characters and, in a bigger scale, with the chapters. If
we did a bad choice that had bad consequences, even if it was just for a few
moments, we can't erase it from our past. Just like a page, or even a few lines
in a vast sea of words. But there's a huge gap between our life and a book:
when you star reading a book, the end is already written...
Still, sometimes I wish my life was
a book, so I could read some chapters over and over again, until I knew them by